How To: Circuit bend a battery-powered toy

Circuit bend a battery-powered toy

Take your old electronics and make them scream with glitchy goodness. This an extremely easy project and makes a great project for first-time solderers. Circuit bending involves taking electronic devices that make multiple sounds and wiring in switches to set off glitches or loops. Using an out-of-tune toy, the first part of this video series demonstrates how to apply a basic pitch bend using a potentiometer. In the second part, you'll learn how to bend the same toy by applying body contact. In the third part, you'll learn how to solder bends and so make them permanent. And, in the fourth part, you'll receive tips on fitting modifications back into a given toy's case. Get bent with this circuit-bending how-to.

(1) Part 1 of 4 - How to Circuit bend a battery-powered toy, (2) Part 2 of 4 - How to Circuit bend a battery-powered toy, (3) Part 3 of 4 - How to Circuit bend a battery-powered toy, (4) Part 4 of 4 - How to Circuit bend a battery-powered toy

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