How To: Circuit bend a toy guitar

Circuit bend a toy guitar

Learn how to bend circuits, disassemble toy cases, unscrew circuit boards and test a circuit bend in this free video series that will help you understand how and when to utilize this unique way of making music.

Part 1 of 65 - How to Circuit bend a toy guitar

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 2 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 2 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 3 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 3 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 4 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 4 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 5 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 5 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 6 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 6 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 7 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 7 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 8 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 8 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 9 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 9 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 10 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 10 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 11 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 11 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 12 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 12 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 13 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 13 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 14 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 14 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 15 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 15 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 16 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 16 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 17 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 17 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 18 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 18 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 19 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 19 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 20 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 20 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 21 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 21 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 22 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 22 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 23 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 23 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 24 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 24 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 25 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 25 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 26 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 26 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 27 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 27 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 28 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 28 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 29 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 29 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 30 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 30 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 31 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 31 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 32 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 32 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 33 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 33 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 34 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 34 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 35 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 35 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 36 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 36 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 37 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 37 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 38 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 38 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 39 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 39 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 40 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 40 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 41 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 41 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 42 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 42 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 43 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 43 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 44 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 44 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 45 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 45 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 46 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 46 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 47 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 47 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 48 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 48 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 49 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 49 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 50 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 50 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 51 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 51 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 52 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 52 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 53 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 53 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 54 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 54 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 55 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 55 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 56 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 56 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 57 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 57 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 58 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 58 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 59 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 59 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 60 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 60 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 61 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 61 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 62 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 62 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 63 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 63 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 64 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 64 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 65 of 65

Circuit bend a toy guitar - Part 65 of 65 Click through to watch this video on

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