How To: Circuit bend a plastic toy

Circuit bend a plastic toy

In this how-to video, you will learn how to perform basic circuit bending. You will need a screw driver, alligator clips, solder, a soldering iron, wires, a wire stripper, a button or switch, and a drill. Open up the device you want to circuit bend. Once the side of the board with the solder points is exposed, take your alligator clips and find two solder points that make an interesting noise. Be careful of areas where the battery is connected, as you might shock your self or destroy the device. Once you find it, solder a wire to each point. Solder the wires to a switch or button. Next, drill a hole into the case of the device to place the switch. Now, put the device back together. Test the device to see if the switch works. You have now successfully performed a circuit bend.

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