News: DIY Gigantic Nintendo Coffee Table Controller

DIY Gigantic Nintendo Coffee Table Controller

Playing Super Mario Bros 3 with a giant controller on a projection screen = nerd nirvana. Giant NES controller/coffee table/storage box made by Kyle Downes. This piece of furniture actually connects to the system, and works as a real controller. Scroll down for video demonstration and images.

If you're interested in making one yourself, Kyle was kind enough to post detailed entries on his process (scroll down to the bottom of this page for index of posts).

DIY Gigantic Nintendo Coffee Table Controller

DIY Gigantic Nintendo Coffee Table Controller

DIY Gigantic Nintendo Coffee Table Controller

DIY Gigantic Nintendo Coffee Table Controller

DIY Gigantic Nintendo Coffee Table Controller

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that's awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Brilliant. Mario Kart, anyone?

super awesome! How did you guys make that!

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