How To: Mod a Wii Hori fighting stick to work on the Xbox 360 using Sanwa parts

Mod a Wii Hori fighting stick to work on the Xbox 360 using Sanwa parts

This great video series goes through the entire process, from unboxing the Wii Hori fighting stick, to taking it apart, wiring, adding buttons, and everything else that you'll need to finish the project and have it ready to go for play on your Xbox 360!

(1) Part 1 of 5 - How to Mod a Wii Hori fighting stick to work on the Xbox 360 using Sanwa parts, (2) Part 2 of 5 - How to Mod a Wii Hori fighting stick to work on the Xbox 360 using Sanwa parts, (3) Part 3 of 5 - How to Mod a Wii Hori fighting stick to work on the Xbox 360 using Sanwa parts, (4) Part 4 of 5 - How to Mod a Wii Hori fighting stick to work on the Xbox 360 using Sanwa parts, (5) Part 5 of 5 - How to Mod a Wii Hori fighting stick to work on the Xbox 360 using Sanwa parts

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