News: Insanely Epic Resident Evil Biohazard Case Mod

Insanely Epic Resident Evil Biohazard Case Mod

If you dig case mods and Resident Evil, it's fair to say you'll find Ron L. Christainson's nothing short of epic. Inspired by the renown video game and movie, Ron—an artist and PC tech from Seattle—has already spent a year constructing the mod from scratch, and still has a couple months of work ahead of him.

Built with high impact polystyrene sheeting and a series of science fiction model kits, the case will be watercooled and suitable for "high end gaming and PC demands" (translation: this baby can handle hours upon hours upon hours of intense Resident Evil game play). What's most amazing is this is Ron's first build! Insane. Kudos.

Insanely Epic Resident Evil Biohazard Case Mod

For the How To curious, Ron has documented his build process with over two hours of video on YouTube (in 11 parts and counting). Here are the first 6 parts:

BTW, the details are sick—check out this nuclear sludge:

Insanely Epic Resident Evil Biohazard Case Mod

Nuclear waste bins:

Insanely Epic Resident Evil Biohazard Case Mod

And these wonderfully fabricated control stations:

Insanely Epic Resident Evil Biohazard Case Mod

SOURCE Blue Horse Studios VIA Case Mod Blog

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