So I got myself one of those Alexa Echo dot thingies, a handful of MiMoo smart WiFi switches, a projector and motorised screen, you thinking what I'm thinking? Good! Cos I don't have much of a clue an ...

Hi,I've installed kali linux on an virtualBox virtual machine an tried nonmapmy problem ist that when i try"nmap -sS -oA nmap/hosts --stylesheet=nmap.xsl --open reason"i get the error ...

Hi is there is anything to get the right WPS pin for the router I already try in 2 networks 10k pins by GOYscript WPS in wifislax 4.12 but none of these pins was correct any ideas ? ...

The infinity mirror as been put together to keep cost as low as possiable using the 12v LEDs WS2811 and the IR controller the project can be easily upgraded or extended to a larger mirror or coffee ta ...

Oh, Mario. The guy that's been a part of our lives since as long as we can all remember. Well, Adam Ringwood and his friends did something pretty cool with one of Mario's most exciting games at the Ha ...

Robots are always really cool, if you ask me. Sometimes they're made out of Legos, and that's even cooler. The Papercube, previously called the Legomaschine, is a fully automated Lego "factory" create ...

Damn right, you don't just eat 'em. When you're done with your next Pringles can, you can turn it into a kaleidoscope, a pinhole camera, and even a solar hot dog cooker. But Instructables user TheSpod ...

Back in the '80s, I was just a kid with a LEGO hobby. I remember building castles and floating boats, spaceships and monster trucks, even a working LEGO train powered by battery, lights and all. But I ...

I am going to teach you something illegal but only for educational propose. This only demonstrates how you can copy files from your friend's PC as soon as you plug in your flash drive or any removable ...

Hi everyone, I'm looking to attach a spy microphone to leopard radiocollars and have it record continuously for 1 month. Why? Well, for my project I'm looking at whether strategically played competito ...