Hot Hacks, Mods & Circuitry Posts

How To: Make a soldering iron out of a graphite pencil and jumper cables

Now this is one how-to video you probably don't come across often. While most jewelry makers and welders probably purchase their soldering irons, it's actually possible to make your own soldering iron out of graphite pencil, car battery and jumper cables. We know it sounds like you're going to end up lit up like those much-parodied dads trying to set up Christmas lights on the rooftop during the holidays, but this process actually works quite well.

How To: Build a laser motion sensor mouse trap

Mice, cute as they may be, are an unwelcome visitor in many a home. This video tutorial provides step by step instructions on how to hack a wireless electronic laser mouse trap from an automatic garage door opener and a computer mouse. Find out where those little pests are going. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to build a laser motion detector mouse trap.

How To: Make a cheap heads-up display (HUD)

It may be intended as a toy, but this gizmo can be hacked for more than just watching a remote-controlled car's video spy cam. This HUD (heads-up display) comes with the Wild Planet Spy Gear Video Car, but it's said that you can purchase the video headset separately. And it's not really a HUD, because you can't see through the video images, but it's close enough to be handy for all sorts of things, like computers, iPods, robots, wireless cameras, and gaming. Who wouldn't like to Call of Duty ...

How To: Shut off your alarm clock with a light phaser

We'll base the project around a digital clock radio and a light gun for gaming; huge selections of both of these are available inexpensively second-hand, with many beautiful and well-designed examples. To enable our FPSI (First Person Shooter Interface), we'll outfit the gun with five tilt sensors, arranged at different angles on a small circuit board. A cable tethers the gun to the clock and carries your tilt and trigger signals to the clock's time and alarm control button contacts.

How To: Transform a camera into a taser

This is a long form tutorial on exactly how to disassemble the disposable camera to make a shocking taser. Make a tazer or taser using simple things at like a disposable camera and some simple hack sense. This prank is great to pull on an unassuming friend. Transform a camera into a taser.

How To: Make USB air conditioning

Wondering how to most effectively combine ice cubes and a simple USB-powered computer fan into a fully functioning air conditioning system? In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to hack a coffee can and USB-powered fan into a simple, but effective, air conditioning unit. For detailed instructions on hacking together your own tin-can AC unit, watch this über-short how-to.

How To: Hack Software & Run a Trial Program Forever

With this video tutorial, you'll learn how to hack demo versions of applications such that they'll run indefinitely. You'll just need to modify the date and time on your computer. Learn how to use trials of programs without them ever expiring instead of buying the real thing with the hack outlined in this how-to video.

How To: Hack iPhone jack to support headphones

As any informed PopSci reader will know, the iPhone is definitely a game-changing piece of hardware, but it's not without its problems. Chief among those nagging little imperfections, for me, was the recessed headphone hack that rejected any headphones but Apple's trademark gleaming white buds. Apple's 'phones aren't that bad, but my Shure in-ear pair is better for blocking out noise on the subway (and my Grado SR60s are better for listening at home). Thankfully, an easy solution to this prob...