How To: Recycle an Old Vinyl Record into a Warped 'Salvador Dali' Analog Clock

Recycle an Old Vinyl Record into a Warped 'Salvador Dali' Analog Clock

This recycling project would surely make Salvador Dali proud. Kipkay outlines the process, from old vinyl record to cool analog clock. Just pick out an appropriate record, place on cookie sheet and soften inside the oven. Then take the clock mechanism from an old cheap clock and attach to the record. This may not fit with all of your décor, but who cares?

Check out Kipkay's step-by-step tutorial over at VideoJug using the link below.

How To Make A 'Salvador Dali' Clock (Creative Crafts)

How To Make A 'Salvador Dali' Clock (Creative Crafts) Video : VideoJug and VideoJug user KipKay show you how to make a Salvador Dali clock. Take an old record and transform it into a cool melting Dali clock. Creative Crafts.

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