I am currently at my senior year and having research and I was thinking to make a Wifi rental booth software where I can enter their gadget name and give them a password of the wifi. every transaction has different passwords and it only applicable in the wifi once. In my country, most of the internet business here is a computer shop, which needed lots of desktops and such, more money needed to start this business. But my problem is I don't know how to make such a program, I don't have...
In this video we are going to make Auto Rickshaw with dc motor & cardboard in this video you will get the idea how to make electric Auto Rickshaw and run automatically with the battery power this is easy to make and you can also make this Auto Rickshaw for the kinds they can enjoy with this electric toys .
In this video we are going to show you How to make Free electricity Generator at your home here you will get the Idea how to make Electricity With DC Motor This Project Called Dynamo Making by the help of this project you can make electricity At your Home and this is very easy to make you can make your self with one dc motor this Dynamo generate electricity when you rotate the wheel & you can run led light motor or any thing from generated electricity .
So lets say that a hacker is trying to make a backdoor and he needs an IP address. Does he put his own IP address or does he use a VPN or maybe something else. I'm just curious, because if he puts his own IP he could be easily tracked by his ISP. And if he uses the VPN option, what's the chance of the VPN service revealing his true IP. Thanks in advance.
Im doing a research about Man-in-the-middle and crack-wifi.sh also im trying to incorporate the evil twin to this research that i need to do for a certificate but idk much about the topic and idk if i need a netgear Wlan adapter or not to do it.. i have that question.. I wish u can help me .. :c and thanks..
So I got myself one of those Alexa Echo dot thingies, a handful of MiMoo smart WiFi switches, a projector and motorised screen, you thinking what I'm thinking? Good! Cos I don't have much of a clue and could really use some help!
Hi,I've installed kali linux on an virtualBox virtual machine an tried nonmapmy problem ist that when i try"nmap -sS -oA nmap/hosts --stylesheet=nmap.xsl --open reason"i get the error message"Failed to open normal output file nmap/hosts.nmap for writingQUITTING"What can i do to solve this problem ?
Hi is there is anything to get the right WPS pin for the router I already try in 2 networks 10k pins by GOYscript WPS in wifislax 4.12 but none of these pins was correct any ideas ?
The infinity mirror as been put together to keep cost as low as possiable using the 12v LEDs WS2811 and the IR controller the project can be easily upgraded or extended to a larger mirror or coffee table . The project as used an acrylic mirror for the simple reason to reshape it , this is a personal option .
Oh, Mario. The guy that's been a part of our lives since as long as we can all remember. Well, Adam Ringwood and his friends did something pretty cool with one of Mario's most exciting games at the HackIllinois event in February 2016—they hacked a Chevrolet Volt's steering wheel into one big Nintendo 64 controller for Mario Kart.
Back in the '80s, I was just a kid with a LEGO hobby. I remember building castles and floating boats, spaceships and monster trucks, even a working LEGO train powered by battery, lights and all.
I am going to teach you something illegal but only for educational propose. This only demonstrates how you can copy files from your friend's PC as soon as you plug in your flash drive or any removable storage media.
In the 1940's (1946/1947) Popular Science magazine printed a DIY diagram of a high impedance microphone using an old battery carbon core and a headphone to listen (rather than speakers). It used a simple wood base and was very sensitive; you could hear a cock-a-roach walking on the wood or a fly's buzz if it landed on the base. ANYONE WHO MIGHT HAVE A COLLECTION OF THESE MAGAZINES AND CAN PROVIDE A COPY OF THE DIAGRAM WOULD GREATLY HELP ME WITH MY PROJECT.
So I ripped a microphone and controller out of a pair of Skull Candy inkd's, and I want to fit the mic to a transmitter inside a wide bodied pen. The pen doesn't have to work (the ink cartridge bust anyway), but I have no idea about how to power the mic. Any ideas?
For the past couple of years, random internet dwellers have embarked on an ambitious quest to see just how useless a box can be in hopes of earning sweet, sweet internet points. Welcome to the world of useless machines.
Its a voice modulator which can be used to change your voice instantaneously so you can disguise and pull pranks etc.The mic and system is inside so as to the external voice from speaker don't gets mixed up which will create noise.
This is a nice project that you can continue to work on and modify as you learn more Arduino projects. The Instructable linked below goes through the complete build for the Bluetooth-enabled robot seen in the first half of the video.
Phone hacking has now become one of the most concerned issue around the globe when it comes to staying secured online. Though mostly people don't bat an eye upon it, in reality, if you're not careful about your online security, you're likely to lose your valuable data through cyber crime and hacking.
This recycling project would surely make Salvador Dali proud. Kipkay outlines the process, from old vinyl record to cool analog clock. Just pick out an appropriate record, place on cookie sheet and soften inside the oven. Then take the clock mechanism from an old cheap clock and attach to the record. This may not fit with all of your décor, but who cares?
Tinkernut presents the Bluetooth headset hack! This video shows one of the vulnerabilities of some bluetooth headsets. To prevent this vulnerability, it's best to invest a little more money into a more secure headset and making sure your headset is turned off when not in use. You can find all of the links and scripts used in this video, as well as find answers to questions you may have at the link below:
The pressure underwater is undeniably strong. If you were to fill a balloon with water and take it underwater, it would not burst but would stay the same size because liquids are not compressed. The pressure is the same, inside and outside of the balloon. If you were to fill that same balloon with air instead, the lower it dives into water, the more it shrinks, until it eventually can't take the pressure anymore and bursts.
This tutorial shows you how to create an intruder alarm that sends you text message alerts when motion is detected. This may sound complicated but I am pretty confident any beginner with electronics should be able to do this just fine. The range sensor senses motion and tells your Arduino board to send the text (SMS). So you can leave the intruder detector at home, connected to your network, and still receive the SMS alerts, no matter where you are, as long as you have cell phone service.
In this video we will use an Arduino Yun (or leonardo with a wifi shield) to check your email account (or chosen label) and return the number of unread emails as an integer to be used in another project or (in this case) to make an email checking clock. This is a good one for anyone just beginning with the internet of Arduino.
This video tutorial demonstrates a simple hack for improving the WiFi reception of a USB adapter. To replicate this hack yourself, you'll need the following materials: (1) a WiFi USB adapter, (2) a USB extension cable, (3) a metal strainer, and (4) a pair of scissors. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on improving your WiFi adapter's signal levels, watch this how-to video.
Have any Star Wars fanatics in your family? Well, here's a great Christmas gift idea for those Star Wars fans who think they have everything... a freaking LEVITATING DEATH STAR!
With this video tutorial, you'll learn how to hack demo versions of applications such that they'll run indefinitely. You'll just need to modify the date and time on your computer. Learn how to use trials of programs without them ever expiring instead of buying the real thing with the hack outlined in this how-to video.
i am a complete beginner in hacking. so before starting any of the hacking i thought i should learn to save/hide my ass from police, government, or any other tracing agents or agencies. so i started crawling on web for learning new tricks and techniques as black hat hackers use. since then i found many new technique so far but now a days i am getting stuff in opposition to my knowledge as:
Hi, I Need Some Help! I Tried to crack My own FB Profile, with Python Mechanics, Fb Python Py. And a Passwordlist. I'm running a Linux Ubuntu System. The wordlist seems to work Fine, at the end I will get the Message Password Found. But I Cant See Any Password. Is This a Script Failure or Linux Secruity? How Can I Unshadow the Password that Has Already been found? Thanks in Advance!
Hi. I have a car I just purchased that has an installed Motorola analog phone. Would love to get this to work and convert it to digital. Does anyone have any guidance or contacts for someone who does this. I live in so cal.
My 1st day here hope this is the rite forum to ask.i want to make a robot, with and old working i3 laptop and android tablet. can anyone help me in this.
I'm new here, and to be honest I'm about as rookie as a programmer can get. I only know HTML5 yet (the millions of drag and drop programs I used to do when I was a kid don't count because... well, they're drag and drop, Bro. neither does any WYSIWYG programs.) Point being the only official language I know Is HTML5 so I'm nowhere even close to being a hacker, the only thing I can do yet is pinging. Anyway. I read this book "Don't Turn Around" in part about a group of hacktavists getting caught...
i tried several ways ..... if some one know that a way of getting some amount of electricity from the charging jack or from the audio out put please tell
Being one of the most popular DIY/maker projects around, Musical Floppy Drives are nothing new. However, myFloppyDriveOrchestra includes a few unique features, which separate it from the crowd.
I would like to start programming or hacking and a friend of my suggested that I start with php. I know that it has something to do with servers, the book I have is called "PHP for the web", by larry ullman and
How to get a vending machine to pay you for its goodies, instead of you paying for them. First off, find a older vending machine, and insert your dollar bill as you normally would. Once you have entered it, you can select which ever item you want. Then quickly, before the item dispenses, hold up on the gate to prevent the item from falling. When it falls, it should rest on the back of the gate you're holding up—don't let go yet. After a long wait, the vending machine will think nothing...
Instructables user vmspionage demonstrates how to make a tiny bbq grill with an Altoids tin "powered by a standard-sized charcoal briquette and capable of cooking a full-size hot dog (cut down to size) or smaller hamburger patties with ease." Impressive design and execution.