This ultra clever mod of household junk makes for an ingenious variation on the carnival classic.The essence of this treat is basic carmelization. Start with juice. Heat. Spray liquid into air so that ...
Our good friend Kipkay is at it again! He has earned six figures from videos like HowTo Unlock Handcuffs and HowTo Make a Stink PenHere he teams up with Howcast to deliver the ultimate treasure hunter ...
What do Jeff Foxworthy and Nikola Tesla have in common?Not much until this insane innovation came into existance.Why waste precious electricity on an inefficient kitchen appliance? Why not send 110 vo ...
Here's a DIY dream. Solar-power, recycled bottles, snap'n'go toy car! Simple. How easy to transform trash into toys. Plastic bottles take 700 years to decompose in a landfill. And annually, America u ...
Want your boyfriend to clean house? Make it a game. This Wii remote-controlled Pac Man vacuum will transform every alpha male into a....maid! Wii hacker Ron Tajima's brainchild is covered in 448 LEDs ...
Need to be undercover? Well, make yourself impossible to photograph.Get some infrared LEDs. They're undetectable to the human eye, but that's not the case with cameras. Wire them to the brim of your h ...
Babblin5, our good friend from Wichita, is hacking again. Here he mods an old camper cooler, powering it with USB power. Yes, it's useless and ingenious. We love it.Click to play Make a USB mini frid ...
Is perpetual energy possible? The debate rages on. And they just keep trying.This particular device may not be perpetual, but it is far more efficient than, say a homopolar motor.The magnet in this de ...
Instructables member Canida came up with this clever (though grotesque) pun: The Mouse Mouse. PETA members, you may want to skip this one, Canida's project does require a dead mouse.Visit Canida's Ins ...
Sure, unrolling toilet paper and tearing it from the roll is not difficult. But if Lego Mindstorms can do it for you, why not?"This is a project that me and my friends built for school (UCBerkeley). I ...