The DrinkShield is not quite as dirty as the picture above may convey. Circuitry nerd Craig Smith (who also happens to love drinking) has developed a breathalyzer that can be turned into a potentially ...
Barbie has joined the espionage community, in the form of Barbie Video Girl, and it's time for you to interrogate her to extract those military-grade secrets she has stored in her spy equipment. That' ...
We've seen wearable electronics before, but we've yet to see a dress that dually operates as a cell phone. The idea is interesting, though not especially pragmatic (yet). "The M-Dress is an elegant si ...
Need some help figuring out how to play Bubble Explode on your Apple iPhone? This video tutorial presents an overview of the game's essential rules and objective. For more information, including detai ...
In this video, we learn how to build a portable personal heater. This is a great weekend project that is easy to make and will keep you warm during a freezing winter. You will need: two double a batte ...
Now that you've mastered hand control, here's a new challenge for you. Try playing Mario using just your eye movements. The video below describes how the system works, and if you're feeling extra ambi ...
Need some cool sound effects for your next film? Kipkay's got an idea… the "Rumble Pipe". This noisemaking pipe creates a rumbling sound perfect for any drone SFX. Try it out. It's just a little sound ...
PopSci breaks down how basic functions of R/C work. Once you've mastered it, the sky is the limit. You can remote control anything. Well, almost anything. "The basic R/C setup consists of a transmitte ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to root your G1 or MyTouch 3G with one click. First, go to theunlockr and download the MyTough 3G Root video. Now, go on your phone and click on the settings. Go to appl ...
In this video, we learn how to make the world's loudest alarm clock. If your alarm clock does not wake you up, this is for you! First, you will need to take apart your alarm clock and find the wires t ...