Hacks, Mods & Circuitry Forum

Forum Thread: What Is Best Wifi Router for Home Use?
please help me ,give some options for wifi router..........
Forum Thread: Bad Sector Error
Can We Regenerate Bad Sector Faulty Hard Disk, is it true or fake
Forum Thread: How to Make a Nightlight Lamp (Tree Model)
You need a handmade gift for your friend and love ? Let me show you one way ! Video: .
Forum Thread: I Would Like to Learn How to Stay Anonymous and How to Be a Hacker
As I am a late joiner, where can I begin and which links should I check out?
Forum Thread: Dual Coil Build for ecig
Dual Coil Build on an RDA for e cigs
Forum Thread: Xbox 360 Disc Drive on PC (Flash Procedure)
Hello friends, if you are like me then you know the benefits of flashing your Xbox 360 disc drive. It's a cool thing to do, but up until this point you couldn't find anything reliable to base yourself off of. Let me start by saying this process is very long and consumes more time than you initially think it would because you're a total noob trying to get free and/or back-ups of your games. So let me start this journey by saying the flashing is possible with the right equipment (not any device...
Forum Thread: How to Open a Wine Bottle with a Shoe
Today we show you how to open a wine bottle with a shoe! This is sure to impress anyone at a party! It is So Easy a Guy Could Do It!
Forum Thread: How to Modify Power Wheels and Save Money
Learn how to get more and longer lasting power from your kids power wheels, plus save money... Things you will need; Cheap lawn mower battery, electrical tape, and wire cutters.
Forum Thread: Kitchen PC with MAME
This is my Kitchen PC with Dual monitors an MAME setup. The Joystick is from anerousis control the best Joystick ever
Forum Thread: Hey Weird Idea and You Guys Are the Guys to Ask While Taking Apart a Heater the Old School Kind I Begin to Think About T
hey need some answers on what i consider an awesome add-on to a tesla coil
Forum Thread: How to Hack in to Someone's Wifi
Well it's for my brothers so they find a house for my mom
Forum Thread: Milwaukee m12 Charger Mods?
I have a friend who asked me about combining 2 m12 chargers into 1 compact housing. I have minor electronics experience and this task is above my pay grade so to speak. Are there any electronics guru's out there that may be able to help with a soultion.
Forum Thread: 500 Foot Camera Housing Diy
Video: . Making a 500 foot camera housing for 70$
Forum Thread: Make a 900 Foot Range Key Remote
Video: . 900 feet range , instead of a wire i'm using a antenna from a old phone.
Forum Thread: Make a 1800 Lumen Led Flashlite
Video: . Using 2 ssc p7 leds to make 1800 lumens more powerfull the much more expenvie.
Forum Thread: Spark Some Electricity into Your Life
This elenco electronics snap circuits kit has over 300 electronics experiments that are sure to keep you busy. Learn the fundamentals of electronics and be qualified as a jr. electrician.
Forum Thread: Man Has Always Sought to Improve the World Through Inventions
I have worked on this prototype bicycle project for 2.5 years and it is stubborn as a mule in trying to get it to work properly. This is a revolution in the biking industry. If only we could have bicycle companies like schwinn, trek, magna, etc look up this with ingenious mind. I have absolute faith that this bicycle is very nopnotch with the current concept or with some other concept in addition to the current concept such as a torque converter, flywheel, tension spring, etc. Please watch my...
Forum Thread: USB Midi Controller Modification?
Okay, I have an old Korg Nano Keyboard Mini Controller. I'm wondering if it's possible to use this as a base to build a more functional midi controller, i.e. replace a few keys with rotary knobs to make it more compatible with what I want to control in my CrossDJ software. If so, could someone direct me to a site or book/information on how to do it? I haven't torn it yet, so I'm not sure what kind of wiring goes to each key or what kind of wiring is needed to hook up to a rotary control. Than...
Forum Thread: Thief Phone Charger
Phone charger that you can plug in into E27 screw base,its thief charger. Video: .
Forum Thread: How to Use Stripped Cell Phone Camera and Display into a Spy Unit
have couple of old phones. just wanted to hook up the individual system into something usefull
Forum Thread: Five Simple Life Hacks-Part 2
A list of awesome simple life hacks: 1.Spring cable protector
Forum Thread: How to Detect Root Kit or Back Door on Mac?
Mac was possibly hacked remotely and I'm desperately been searching to figure out if they were successful and how to detect if I'm still being "watched". :o/ Thank you for any help. :)
Forum Thread: Does Anyone Know Anything About PCB Cloning?
Does anyone know anything about PCB cloning?Means that circuit board hardware and software will be copied to make a circuit diagram, SCH, the MCU code program, and copied to the production.So you only need to provide a sample to be able to change a lot of the same products?
Forum Thread: how I can build a USB wireless network card?
how I can build a USB wireless network card?
Forum Thread: Design Hackers Out There, Please Help!!!
PLEASE help me by answering these questions!!! I am writing a paper about design hackers, and I need as many people as possible to answer these questions below.
Forum Thread: Wifi Usb Modification
how to modify tp-link tlwn721n wifi adapter for external antenna.
Forum Thread: How Convert My Pre-Lit Tree to LED
I have a pre-lit tree lit with mini bulbs at 125vac 5a 625w and i want to convert it to blue LED. I would prefer to just swap out the bulbs, but is that possible? Doesn't the power for regular bulbs and LED ones differ? I am not opposed to re-stringing the tree, but the wire has to be black, since my tree is black. Do i have to buy a blue LED string and tape off the bulbs and spray paint the wire black to achieve this, or is there an easier way to do what i want to do?
555 Timer Hacks: Cable Testers, Magnetic Stirrers, and Lego Grabbers Oh My!
Please visit my Instructable for an introduction to the 555 timer, pinouts, and several applications for the 555 in astable mode: http://www.instructables.com/id/Hack-Your-Snap-Circuits-a-Minimalist-Very-Few-Co/?ALLSTEPS
Forum Thread: How Do You Edit Your Own "How-to" Artticle Once It Is Published?
Just published my first How-to and the grammar was good, but the layout was...well...bad.
Forum Thread: Transmit Data from Spyglasses?
Can anyone please tell me if its possible to transmit audio and video live wireless to my smartphone via my spyglasses? I would like using broadband connection on my smartphone to transmit this data that spyglasses are recording via e.g. Skype to another pc. If my spyglasses have bluetooth function like a handsfree device is there a way to moderate this function so that it can transmit the audio and video from my skype apllication of my smartphone? I would like to create a first person POV ga...
Forum Thread: I Have a Wireless Lan Pc Card Nl-2511cd Plus ext2(e200) with the Repeater I Want to Link It Anothher Wireless Signal at
i have a sanyo wireless lan card nl- 2511cd plus ext2(e200) with the acesss point all i have is a ps3 and i want to tie into another wireless signal at the hotel i live at ..i have full acess to the sever and the room but no passwords online or even a ideal how to go about it i have the it powered up it says a 100 per and name is wireless i can detect it when i scan with my ps3 i just need to know how to tie them together..also the hotel has alogin screen througha company called wandering wiFI