Watch this amazing USB Bluetooth adapter hack from Kipkay. It's easy and effective, plus it will work with other wireless devices, too. Bluetooth works on a 2.4GHz short wavelength radio frequency, bu ...
Now that most computers have internal webcams in them, what are you going to do with that external webcam eating up precious desktop space? Kipkay shows you the perfect hack— the "Super SpyScope".The ...
Did you know that electroluminescent (EL) wire is considered by some to be the currency of Burning Man? If you're thinking of going and want to stock up before (smart) watch this video featuring EL wh ...
Electroluminescent devices need electricity to light up, clearly, so if you're working on an EL project building a proper power supply is crucial. In this video you'll learn how to make a DIY power su ...
EL wire is known as the Currency of Burning Man, and it's potential to create beautiful light in all sorts of settings is amazing. If you're tired of buying it and want to stock up on some DIY EL wire ...
Electroluminescent substances have become more and more popular lately in all kinds of projects, from toy glasses to EQ t-shirts. They allow you to create incredibly thin circuits that can be silkscre ...
Electroluminescent (EL) materials light up when electricity passes through them, as opposed to more common incandescent lights that respond to heat. EL displays are becoming very popular in advertisin ...
Jonathan Guberman of Site 3 coLaboratory hackerspace in Toronto has created an Arduino-controlled mechanical typewriter that can type on its own, detect what is being typed on it, and run text-based i ...
The end of Daylight Saving Time means two things: a little less light and, as a result, a little less security. This CCTV lamp will give you more of both. And in the nick of time! We fall back to Stan ...
The ZURBLog cleverly demonstrates how to make 3D video in 3 easy steps, using two iPod Nanos, some rubber bands and a yardstick. Get two identical video cameras.ZURBlog used two Nanos, as aforemention ...