How To: Make electroluminescent (EL) wire by twisting enamel and bare wire

Make electroluminescent (EL) wire by twisting enamel and bare wire

EL wire is known as the Currency of Burning Man, and it's potential to create beautiful light in all sorts of settings is amazing. If you're tired of buying it and want to stock up on some DIY EL wire (which is more in the spirit of Burning Man anyway right?) watch this video to learn how to twist enamel and bare wire together to make your EL wire.

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1 Comment

Hi, Thx for nice video, but I have some questions :)
(1) Enamel wire I got it, it is from motor
and what is bare wire?
(2) Can u please put a diagram how to twist it along with required power supply?
(3) How it works? :)
I want to create it and try it :)

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