How To: Make your own DIY film projector

Make your own DIY film projector

Finding a film projector for those who still shoot film, or those who still house film can be tough. They're either sparce or extremely expensive. In this six part tutorial, learn how to make your own DIY homemade film projector for your home without shelling out tons of cash. This presentation is hosted by Dan Mikesell at Pratt Institute.

(1) Part 1 of 6 - How to Make your own DIY film projector, (2) Part 2 of 6 - How to Make your own DIY film projector, (3) Part 3 of 6 - How to Make your own DIY film projector, (4) Part 4 of 6 - How to Make your own DIY film projector, (5) Part 5 of 6 - How to Make your own DIY film projector, (6) Part 6 of 6 - How to Make your own DIY film projector

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nearly fell asleep listening to this guy..

he needs to go to speech classes, he says thing like umm way to much, or he needs to know what he's teaching better

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