News: Hack Together Creepy Arduino Shifty-Eyeballs For Halloween

Hack Together Creepy Arduino Shifty-Eyeballs For Halloween

Todbot offers instructions for making your own Arduino shifty-googly Halloween eyeballs. Perfect to pop inside a pumpkin or skull.

All you need is "3 servo motors, some scary eyes, a few Popsicle sticks and an Arduino". Click through for a detailed How-To, as well as a video demonstration of the servo controlled eyes. 

Learn more about Arduino on WonderHowTo, or check out Ladyada's thorough primer tutorial.

Hack Together Creepy Arduino Shifty-Eyeballs For Halloween

Hack Together Creepy Arduino Shifty-Eyeballs For Halloween

Hack Together Creepy Arduino Shifty-Eyeballs For Halloween

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