News: Got an Itch? Let Your Chair Do the Scratching

Got an Itch? Let Your Chair Do the Scratching

The itch chair, designed by Dana Gordon and Alejandro Zamudio Sánchez, is a futuristic chair that scratches the back of the sitter.

"Scratch underneath this four-legged friend and feel how the motion is mapped and scaled up to your own back. 

The user, moving a fingertip across a touchpad located under the seat base, controls the position of the scratching actuator and its intensity. According to the scratching on the hidden pad, the chosen mechanical fingernail (connected to a servo motor) moves around the back of the chair and provide the necessary scratch."Got an Itch? Let Your Chair Do the Scratching

Got an Itch? Let Your Chair Do the Scratching

Got an Itch? Let Your Chair Do the Scratching

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1 Comment

I have a stick with a little hand on it. I call it lil scratchy. No chair will ever come between us!

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