News: Door Locked? Send a Text Message & Open Sesame

Door Locked? Send a Text Message & Open Sesame

When choosing a security system for the office, Billy Chasen decided to ditch the traditional lock & key barricade for something a little more 21st century. He hacked together a device that uses a web server, servo motor and some parts from Home Depot to enable locking & unlocking via text message. Chasen maintains a list which gives access to green lit office workers, who enter by simply texting "lock" or "unlock"... and voilà, open sesame.

The WonderHowTo office needs this. Now.

For the ambitious, Chasen has made the code available here.

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WOOOW! I so wanna have one of those!

Would it be possible to upload a full video tutorial? or information about what program you enter the code into? how to get it onto the server? etc... thank you

try contacting the creator at his site-

Now this is smart.

thank you for showing us how does it work, but would you please show us how did you make it?
a video should be very cool and expose the secretes of how it is made not? some producers just show the final cut of project how does it works but they never gonna show how they made it,
fortunately i am not one of them, i always show how i make my projects :)

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