News: Beer Launcher Wows Letterman (+ Any Self Respecting Male)

Beer Launcher Wows Letterman (+ Any Self Respecting Male)

John Cornwell is a God among men. Even Letterman thinks so. As well as every beer drinker.

John hacked his mini refrigerator into what he calls the "Beer Launching Fridge":

"...A fully automated, remote controlled, catapulting, man-pit approved, beer launching mini-fridge. It holds 10 beers in its magazine with 14 more in reserve to store a full case. It is controlled by a keyless entry system. Pressing unlock will start the catapult rotating and when it is aiming at your target, pressing unlock again will stop it. Then the lock button can be pressed to launch a beer in the selected direction."

Too bad this sucker cost nearly 1500 bucks. Better get crafty like John and make-it-yourself.

Beer Launcher Wows Letterman (+ Any Self Respecting Male)

Beer Launcher Wows Letterman (+ Any Self Respecting Male)

Beer Launcher Wows Letterman (+ Any Self Respecting Male)

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What about building a girlfriend/wife launcher. Then she will only fly over when you want her! lol

girlfriend/wife launcher. Then she will only fly over when you want her!

Uh, what the heck would you possibly want her for? If she was there she should have brought you the beer in the first place! Not to mention that arm looks like it has a 300 lbs. limit!!!! Not going to be able to toss many wives more than a few inches.

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