How To: Wire an electrical outlet

Wire an electrical outlet

In this series of how-to videos, home improvement expert Amelia Tallman shows you step-by-step instructions on how to install a new power outlet in a wall of your home. She demonstrates how to strip the existing wires, drill holes and properly install a new box for a new outlet. She also shares tips for improving your home by installing insulation using a blower, which should help you save money on energy costs by maintain temperature. By following the advice and techniques shown in these free videos you can become a D.I.Y. expert too.

Part 1 of 14 - How to Wire an electrical outlet

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 2 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 2 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 3 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 3 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 4 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 4 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 5 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 5 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 6 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 6 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 7 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 7 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 8 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 8 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 9 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 9 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 10 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 10 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 11 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 11 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 12 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 12 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 13 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 13 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 14 of 14

Wire an electrical outlet - Part 14 of 14 Click through to watch this video on

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1 Comment

i don't know who this woman is but she IS NOT a licensed electrician and all her advice should be completely ignored. the way she installed that outlet was painful to watch. the only thing she said that made sense was to turn off the power before doing any work. after that she should've told people to hire a licensed electrician. electricity is capable of starting fires and fires destroy property and sometimes take lives. electricity also directly kills fools stupid enough to listen to hacks like her. the National Electrical Code was never once referred to in her so-called installation. article 110.12 of the 2008 NEC says electrical equipment shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner (page 33)... her work was not neat (she hacked that box in and hacked that romex sheathing off and hacked the insulation of the wires, and munched the screws, etc), nor was is in a workmanlike manner, meaning she probably hasn't heard of the accepted industry practices for good workmanship in electrical installations. if anybody is reading this, PLEASE, have enough sense to call a licensed electrician and don't attempt these "simple" things.

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