How To: Use a ham radio

Use a ham radio

Ham radios are a form of amateur radio that anyone can use. This is a great video series for anyone looking to connect with other random people through wireless means.

Part 1 of 15 - How to Use a ham radio

Use a ham radio - Part 2 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 2 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 3 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 3 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 4 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 4 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 5 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 5 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 6 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 6 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 7 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 7 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 8 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 8 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 9 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 9 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 10 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 10 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 11 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 11 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 12 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 12 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 13 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 13 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 14 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 14 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

Use a ham radio - Part 15 of 15

Use a ham radio - Part 15 of 15 Click through to watch this video on

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