How To: Unify a junk hard drive and glass vase into an exquisite makeshift table lamp

Unify a junk hard drive and glass vase into an exquisite makeshift table lamp

Junk is not usually known for its usefulness. That's why it's called junk. If it were called anything else, it might have a purpose, but junk… well… it's junk.

Not anymore…

Samimy has, yet again, found a way to recycle a broken, busted up, junk hard drive from a computer, and this time he's teaching you how to make a cool table lamp with it. Not only is it cool, it's decorative, thanks to the repurposed glass vase.

For this homemade, makeshift lamp, you'll need a cheap glass vase, computer hard drive, junk flashlight, wire, plastic rod, wooden circles, DC jack (6V-12V) and a switch.

NOTICE: Watch the second part to this video for an updated version, which makes the design a little more sleek and less clunky, with the switch mounted directly to the hard drive, instead of in a separate wooden box.

(1) Part 1 of 2 - How to Unify a junk hard drive and glass vase into an exquisite makeshift table lamp, (2) Part 2 of 2 - How to Unify a junk hard drive and glass vase into an exquisite makeshift table lamp

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