How To: Put Gameboy emulator (Gba) on your Blackberry Storm

Put Gameboy emulator (Gba) on your Blackberry Storm

Well your friend's won't stop dissing your BlackBerry Storm, and you need to show them it can actually play some games. This video shows how-to install the Gameboy emulator on your BlackBerry Storm so that you can play a whole host of cool video games. This method is pretty simple and requires your smart phone be connected to your PC, and that you go and get some software as described in the video. Give it a try and show them you ARE cool!

(1) Part 1 of 3 - How to Put Gameboy emulator (Gba) on your Blackberry Storm, (2) Part 2 of 3 - How to Put Gameboy emulator (Gba) on your Blackberry Storm, (3) Part 3 of 3 - How to Put Gameboy emulator (Gba) on your Blackberry Storm

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