How To: Operate an accounting calculator

Operate an accounting calculator

In this video series, watch as accountant Joseph Salazar teaches how to operate an accounting calculator. Get tips on how to calculate sales tax, how calculate finance charges, and how to find the installment buying amount. Use these step by step online tutorials to continue your accounting career.

Part 1 of 5 - How to Operate an accounting calculator

Operate an accounting calculator - Part 2 of 5

Operate an accounting calculator - Part 2 of 5 Click through to watch this video on

Operate an accounting calculator - Part 3 of 5

Operate an accounting calculator - Part 3 of 5 Click through to watch this video on

Operate an accounting calculator - Part 4 of 5

Operate an accounting calculator - Part 4 of 5 Click through to watch this video on

Operate an accounting calculator - Part 5 of 5

Operate an accounting calculator - Part 5 of 5 Click through to watch this video on

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