How To: Make a wallet from a computer keyboard

Make a wallet from a computer keyboard

Don't throw away that old keyboard! You can make a sweet wallet with the circuit sheets inside! Inspired by this Instructables project. Hack together your own cool wallet with this mod video.

You Will Need
* A desktop computer keyboard, preferably a PC
* A screwdriver
* A ruler or tape measure
* Scissors
* An Allen wrench
* A razor blade

Step 1: Disassemble the keyboard
Step 2: Remove the circuit board
Step 3: Remove the circuit sheets
Step 4: Cut out six pieces
Step 5: Cut out a 6-inch piece of tape
Step 6: Stick pieces to tape
Step 7: Fold the tape over
Step 8: Repeat
Step 9: Tape 4-inch ends together
Step 10: Seal the bottom
Step 11: Attach the card holders
Step 12: Add four pieces of tape
Step 13: Cut the corners at an angle
Step 14: Add your items

The history of the keyboard dates back to the first typewriter, which New York-based Remington Co. mass-marketed in 1877 to compensate for the drop in gun sales after the Civil War.

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