How To: Make traffic lights change w/secret code (FAUX-TO?)

Make traffic lights change w/secret code (FAUX-TO?)

Nobody likes having to stand at the crosswalk waiting for the light to change so you can cross. This seems to happen more times then not these days. A way has been discovered to eliminate this problem with ease. The first thing you are going to want to do is go to the pole that has the button to push for the crosswalk. Once you get there you are going to want to enter a combination of long and short clicks to get the light to change so you can cross. The first combination is going to be three short clicks. Then do two long clicks. Next do one short click. Then do two long clicks again. Finally do three short clicks. If done correctly then the light should change from green to red and this would then allow you to cross the street.

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it won't work, peds have to wait for a pre-set amount of time to allow traffic to clear the junction, usually about the time it takes to do the button press combination

This video was done by a guy named kipkay who is notorious for creating videos that are pure bullshit. That's how he gets the viewer numbers.

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