How To: Make an infrared pen to use with the Wiimote

Make an infrared pen to use with the Wiimote

Here are some step-by-step instructions on how to make an IR LED Pen to use with a Wiimote to create an inexpensive interactive whiteboard. It's a student video production of the WHS Tech Club.

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why'd you put the button and led on different sides?

red- positive (+)
black - negative (-)

long (anode) - positive (+)
short (cathode) - Negative (-)

but the rest is ok

why'd you put the button and led on different sides?

red- positive (+)
black - negative (-)

long (anode) - positive (+)
short (cathode) - Negative (-)

but the rest is ok

Good Info, Hello, I like to collect different types of spy items. I want to buy pen camera.

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