How To: Make a fire with batteries and a headphone

Make a fire with batteries and a headphone

Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to make a light a toothpick on fire with just a few household items. The materials you will need for this process are a roll of tape, two AA batteries, any kind of headphone jack, and any type of aerosol spray. To start this process, you'll want to ducttape the headphone jack and tape it to a batter from the negative end. Take the other battery and tape the positive end to the headphone jack. Afterwards, take you toothpick and spray the end with the aerosol can. Place the toothpick into the right side of the head phone jack and press the batteries together to force the current up to create a fire.

Make a fire with batteries and a headphone

Make a fire with batteries and a headphone Click through to watch this video on

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there is no circuit. you can't touch the positive end of one battery to the negative end of another without doing something with the free ends. fake

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