How To: Illuminate a regular computer keyboard

Illuminate a regular computer keyboard

Light up your keyboard with this illuminating tutorial from Make Magazine's Kipkay. To get started on this hack, which should take roughly a half an hour and cost no more than $5, you'll need the following: (1) a regular computer keyboard (most any model will do), (2) a screwdriver, (3) a drill, (4) telephone wire, (5) heat shrink tubing, and (6) two 5 mm high-brightness, white LEDs. For comprehensive, step-by-step instructions on building your own light-up keyboard, simply watch this hacker's computer keyboard how-to!

Illuminate a regular computer keyboard

Illuminate a regular computer keyboard Click through to watch this video on

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I can see!!

Kip kay is the smoothest hacker around. He keeps my Radio Shack stock valuable.


drilling a keyboard... that's one thing I haven't done!

Good vid!

Me neither... Not sure if I should. Have you tried this yet?

it's awesome.................
i'll try it!!!


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