So you want to hack your school computer, eh? Well, although I don't condone any of the following activities in any way, here are a few methods, just so that you can prevent all of your evil hacking colleagues/students. Know your enemy.
Scope out the battlefield . See if the command prompt or the registry is enabled on student accounts. With these two, you'll have quite a bit of power, but unless you just want to cause as much damage as you can, which isn't really ethical, you'll need to be creative. The ethical thing to do would be to find your way into the system through cunning and intelligence, and only make it obvious that you've compromised the system, not abuse the power you've come by for yourself. For example, if you can access cmd.exe, then change the password of an Admin, and change their personal settings, change the wallpaper to something humorous(if you can't, open notepad and type in the following to get a something like a copy of it:
@echo off
echo on
or type in "start" save as a batch file and change to all file not text). Don't delete the public drive. It's not cool, and it'll get you arrested or whatever.
See if you can procure an administrator password . It depends on your school, as does the last instruction: if they're intelligent, you'll never get near one, if they're not so sharp, all you have to do is wait. or type in cmd (net users administrator *)
Practice reading people's keystrokes with a friend, regularly have "problems" with your account during class requiring the teacher to log in, etc. etc. If an administrator or teacher leaves themselves logged in, see what you can do while they're gone. If it's an admin, find the remote desktop connection to the server and copy it to a place where you can access it on your normal account. This is a file, hopefully with the Admin's password saved on it, that will connect to the server, allowing you unfettered access to the network. Again, tweak a few things, etc., don't destroy anything.
- Social Engineering is the single best way to access a system, or so say many. It often requires no techy knowledge to instigate, but the more you have, the better. For example, leave a USB stick beside the teacher's computer in the computer-room/library/classroom, with an autoexec file that compromises the account in some way, similarly you can doctor a USB mouse to contain a USB drive with a similar autoexec file. Write a program that looks like the login screen, or some login screen that your Admin might use, and ask him to enter their password. The possibilities are endless.
Social Engineering can be really handy, the more you know about someone, the better it is. Just get to know every little detail about them, personal details (telephone number/email-address etc), hobbies, likes/dislikes; just everything! And you will be able to guess the password eventually, or get the person to say theirs because they trust you!
- If you want, crack the Admin using software, or use software to do whatever you want to the system. It might be easy, but it isn't fun.
Another Method
- Never delete things or use private data maliciously, or alter files. If you do, you'll get yourself into trouble. Gaining access in the first place should be your goal, not causing damage.
- Take any possible opportunity to make a laugh out of the school's IT staff, they deserve it if you've compromised the system.
- Unblock a games website, it can't do much harm, and you'll get some notice if you tell people.
- Bring in your malicious code/software on a USB stick, often the system won't scan them, unlike emails, which won't, for instance, take exes.
- Have fun.
- If you can't access cmd (command prompt), make a shortcut at home and bring it on a USB pen drive or something. It will work this way.
- Don't get yourself arrested, don't do anything stupid, don't get yourself expelled. A good-natured school won't kill you for compromising the system and showing them very publicly, even if you humiliate them a bit, but change your grades on the system and you're gonna lose your likeability factor.
- Don't tell the class attention-seeker, just don't. They ruin things.
- Always ask yourself if what you are doing is justifiable under the gaze of the principal, if what you are doing is smart-assed or if it is malicious. Smart assed is OK, thats what you're trying here.
- Do not tell anyone! This is really important. Not much is needed to get people to tell theirs (and other's) secrets. You can tell like one person you really, really, really trust and won't tell it no matter what. But it's still dangerous
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