Did you know that you can make a Nintendo Wii Wiimote function as a mouse or joystick on your PC? Here's how you can use your Wiimote as a PC controller using a bluetooth adaptor or card and some specialty software called GlovePie.
Just updated your iPhone to iOS 18? You'll find a ton of hot new features for some of your most-used Apple apps. Dive in and see for yourself:
Dear Viewers, The only good thing about this is that it was a good topic and I learned a few things. Other than that, terrible picture, horrific camera-work and poor audio. It was extremley unprepared with jumping from topic-to-topic, forgetting important data, not knowing what to do and not many details. The instructor was also highly unappealing as he sounded as if he had something better to do.
Alex1inferno- The Critic
godda love bluetooth
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