How To: Build a weatherproof compact high gain WiFi antenna

Build a weatherproof compact high gain WiFi antenna

See how to build a weatherproof compact high gain WiFi antenna for under fifteen dollars! This homemade WiFi antenna should be enough for most applications, since it's three times more powerful than a standard antenna.

For this compact DIY Wi-Fi antenna, you'll need a 12cm x 12cm sheet of brass, a semi-rigid coaxial cable an SMA connector at the end (you can get them at eBay), some 1-1/ square millimeter wire and an old tupperware container. You'll also need some wire cutters, glue, and a soldering iron.

This is a great, sturdy, strong and reliable do-it-yourself WiFi antenna that picks up a great signal!

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how was the measurement decided for 32mm per leg?
can this be shortened to take this antenna down from 2400 Mhz to 1900 Mhz?

here is the calculation

c= speed of light , f= frequency , L= wavelength
L=c/f ==>> L=30,000,000,000 / 2400000000
L=12.5 cm or 125 mm
1/4 * L = 1/4 * 125 = 32 mm

might sound dumb but how do you then connect the device to your computer to actually get the improvement?

Since its not actually stated - you solder the outer of the semi ridged coax to the brass plate. Also - I'm assuming brass was chosen since you /can/ solder it - instead of eg aluminum - so I assume tinplate would work also. Minor but important points ;-)

its probably said in the vid and i couldnt really see cause the brass was too reflective but do you solder the middle of the 32mm wire to the inside or the outside of the coax cable?

waaaa!! this is what i need!! do u have a written instruction for this?

Wher can I get more details on the construction of such antenna ?

Awesome video!

i want to try this so badly but im afraid that i might mess this up and waste my money

where can i find the video for the bigger ultra high gain antenna mentioned in this video?

might sound dumb but how do you then connect the device to your computer to actually get the improvement?

Where do you get the square wire and brass plate from?!

The center of the double square has 2 open ends thats soldered to the center '' copper '' part of the semi - rigid cable right? and the other part is soldered to what the insulated part of the wire? The outside of the semi-rigid, Can you show a close up picture of how the double square is solder to the semi rigid? or could you email me the picture?

Grrr I hate that these are all videos, if I didn't have a problem with signal strength and subsequently buffering videos and etc I wouldn't be here --

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