How To: Build a mini multi-touch table and photo stitch

Build a mini multi-touch table and photo stitch

Hak5 isn't your ordinary tech show. It's hacking in the old-school sense, covering everything from network security, open source and forensics, to DIY modding and the homebrew scene. Damn the warranties, it's time to Trust your Technolust. In this episode, see how to build a mini multi-touch table and photo stitch.

Building a mini multi-touch table. Analysis of a Virus Infection in Windows. Photo stitching to the extreme with Photosynth, and Google Chrome memory manager.

Chris Gerling invites us to infect and analyze a Windows installation. Don't worry, it's just a VM. We take a look at realtime process and event logging using free tools from Sysinternals.

Darren Kitchen demos the Multi-Touch Mini -- an inexpensive home built multi-user, multi-touch computer interface.

Shannon Morse experiments with Microsoft's new Photosynth project and brings us a virtual walkthrough of the Hak5 set.

Search Hak5 on WonderHowTo for more tech episodes from this Revision3 show.

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