How To: Build a cheap perpetual energy generator (FAUX-TO)

Build a cheap perpetual energy generator (FAUX-TO)

F for FAKE. This video has been labeled a "Faux-To". Commonly contested as bogus science, we believe this video to be a hoax. What's your opinion? Comment below.

Regardless of what this is called, this free energy looks amazing when demonstrated. This video tutorial will show you how to make it.

You can take a small electric motor from a children's toy and attach the wires to a battery to rotate the motor. What you'll need to fire up a light bulb without a battery is the motor, a light bulb, a plastic lid, super glue, Scotch tape, three matches, magnets, and wire cutters.

Never pay for electric again! Just imagine how much money you could save if you build a big version of the perpetual energy generator in this how-to video.

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i like your stuff dude!!


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hey anyone can please say me how to place the magnets on the ring, i mean which side should be the north pole and the south pole faced because i hv used a combination of N>N>N.......towards the strong magnet bt dis system isn;t working nor the N>S>N>S>N...combination

the thing is you make 2 of them and hook the battery up to one under the table to make the one on top move.he got you kid sorry

Thanks for posting my vid on your channel! Cool to see it embedded. :)

Very cool A+

no way!!! A+ easily

The magnet will eventually demagnetize. Fun demonstration of magnetism and electricity, but it isn't "perpetual energy." You can't run much this way either, which is why he's using an LED.

it's technicaly not free energy unless a fuel was not used. believe it or not magnets are a fuel. you need energy to magnetize them in the first place. magnets are more like storage capsules for electromagnetic energy. how did you think electromagnets worked.

But still the magets input source is still less than the output. If i were to get a iron bar and magnetize it, the original magnet would be no weaker. How does this not break the laws of thermodynamics. Please help me understand.

"magnets are more like storage capsules for electromagnetic energy" Not even close.
Read up. Once an NdFeB "rare earth" is produced, there is very little degradation of the magnetic force. It would take a very strong magnetic force, a good deal of heat, or a LOONNNGG time to demagnetize these magnets, and until then, they continually exert the same magnetic force. Very much unlike a battery. Electromagnets temporarily align the domains of a "soft" ferromagnetic substance using a charged solenoid.

actually he is correct. this will only last a few hundred hours. as opposed to the months you can get out of a AA battery. As the like poles exert force on one another they slowly start to align with one another. The strength of the magnetic field drops off at an inverse logarithmic rate. meaning for 75% of the magnets life you will see no change visible to human senses. after this point the field strength drops off at an ever increasing rate. Very much like a capacitor but for magnetism instead of electricity.

actually there was a rather good article in nuts and volts, about how a man in California made a circuit that could store the 10 mV 60 nA current that naturally occurs between trees and the ground. He used it to make a low power sensor take and store a reading every 5 min. This guy is running an led that's at least 1.4 V an 20 mA. enough to power a Miller solarengine. With one of those you can perform a wide variety of simple short duration tasks.

very true but it can take 400 years for a magnet to de demagnetize plus if you get a bigger electric motor it will produce more power I know because my friend And I are building a large scale version

really cool it works I did one

This is one of the neatest things I've seen

Pretty cool. I like your videos!

I call Shennagins on this one!

Not a chance. Perhaps there is a pulsing magnet under the table.

i fink the magnets are repelling each other..... comensense realy

That'd be because common people are stupid...

Cool idea. I've wondered if this would work

It obviously wouln't do to friction, energy being given off through the air, or , as Anti-Antagonist said, the magnet eventually demagnetizing.

Have you done this on a larger scale?

I'd like to see it work on a 110 volt scale.

If people paid more attention in 3rd grade science class, we wouldn't have so many people falling for tricks like this.

Maybe if parents didn't dump their kids onto nannies, their children would pay attention in 3rd grade!

if its a trick then show us a vid where it doent work and how come trust me it works look up nickoli tesla if you dont believe this then he will blow your mind.

pretty cool. could you build this on a large scale?

upscale and turn it intro a marketable product.

did any of those who say it just won't work did realize one of these generators to show it fails?
If answer is no, please, stick to science paradigm and avoid the void repetition of common places (third law of thermo-dynamics cannot be prooven, only his false-hood could and this generator, if working actually IS a falseness proof enough).
If answer is no, please give us proof just like the author of this video did.

think about whats under the table you cant see.same as on top but powered by a battery..come on dont be rude

the answer. That is what this video shows us.

Thats what I call free energy

I think it is great but I feel that we should avoid using the word "perpetual" when naming something that is not actually perpetual. Maybe "magnetic energy device" would be better.
It is great though, keep up the free thinking, it pushes all of us to do the same.,

Could you give more info on the magnets used? size, strength, source, polarity orientation. Thanks. sterlingda at

this is awesome

Wow, energy crisis solved......with cream cheese and magnets. : )

newbie says: why not patent it?
...cause its powered by a motor and not "perpetual"

How long will it runs untill the demagnetize begins?

magnet fields last for arround 400 years

if this gadget worked as shown, we had found the perpetual motion solution, and made in greater scale, we had magnetic propelled cars

may I contact the person who made the video of the perpetual generator, to check the whole thing, because the cuality of the video deserve a chat.

i saw this video and though i was skeptical i built my own version...well, i didn't would make a great "wheel of fortune"....i tried using several "kick" magnet (off wheel)for more of a "sweeping effect" but no luck....i'm still going to tinker with it because i hate it when something i build doesn't work...there is no way the one in the video could work from my experience with that design.....oh, well.....happy,happy.

i thought of this idea a while back being used with a wind generator w/o using wind and using magnets, and havent got to test it yet. would you get a greater result by fixing the 12 magnets at a 45 degree angle?

This is a complete scam. Holding a permanent magnet next to a bunch of other permanent magnets on a wheel isn't going to turn anything. The guy wired the DC motor with a hidden battery to turn the wheel and light the LED.

lots of comments both pro and con. all i can say is that there is definately an interest in the potential of what you've demonstrated.Nice place to start. I hope others will build on it.

How powerful is the motor used?

Awsome it does work I tried it years ago for a sicence fair in school and won first prize cyberpageman must work for the oil company lol great info thanks for the awsome vid you should do a genarator using electrolsis and water for power it works too.

but i've already done it...!!!!

Hey wouldnt u get more energy if you put thin coils of copper wire as close as possible to the wheel (like a generator)? Also you dont really need the motor just an axle for the wheel to turn.
Hey everybody is this array just a perpetual motor?
Really IS IT?


Seems to me like a magnetic motor

This is not perpetual motion. Perpetual motion involves a generator that creates more power than it makes and uses the excess to power itself. This motor uses permanent magnets for power, NOT its own energy.

very cool A+ for sure

awesome stuff , a house + magnetic motor = net metering , why hasn't anyone started to market this in North America ???


No it couldnt think of it like this its just an engine conected to an engine how could that possibly work?

paceti - you are correct. It's actually called a 'magnetic motor' - simply.

AntiAntagonist - you are correct; NOT perpetual - the magnets will eventually degauss. However, you should rethink your comments regarding power supply (as the model can be up-scaled).

dixieoutlaw4x4 - 400 years is not accurate (as the magnets are in motion - also, don't forget the friction/vibration).

You forgot to show the rotating magnet under the table.

heeeeeeeey It didnt open for me!!!!!!!1
what should I do?

If it ran on electro-magnets it powered itself and still produced excess energy, even if it was a nano-volt, I would be impressed.

There's no way this thing would work... a closed loop line integral of the force in a magnetic field is zero thus making this "perpetual" energy motor nonsense. So either this is a hoax or something else (still not perpetual) is driving the motor.

im guessing a pulsing magnet under the table or wires ran up the matchs probably the pulsing magnet under the table though

Looks like to me there is a hole in the table under the matchstick under the motor..anyone notice the sawdust?

not need wire just the same this you see on top but placed under the table powered by a battery ,the rotation will make to one on top to rotate with it

You're doing work by moving the magnet that's in your hand. I'm sure you know that if you leave that magnet stationary, the generator will stop. Shame on you for being misleading.

Fantastic! Imagine the look on the faces of all those scientists with their big expensive laboratories and research grants when they see this.
I bet they will regret all the money they have spent on useless nuclear fusion research. If only they had a plastic lid and some magnets lying around when they started the Manhattan project! Imagine what a different world it would be now.

This is a hoax. Some clever edditing has allowed a battery to be hidden somewhere. A constant magnetic field is not a source of energy. The law of conservation of energy prevents a wheel from accelerating and a light from glowing without an input of energy. This video plays on the general lack of understanding of magnetic fields to defraud people.

way to solve the energy crisi man ! :D

he is a magnet seller duh lol

The set-up works as long as the handheld magnet is moved now and then to allow for the magnets to have proper repulsion and or attraction. Question is: Is the energy required to move the magnet by hand less than the produced rotational energy? If so, then you have the answer to the world's energy problem.

Even though perpetual motion is a fantasy this is still pretty cool.

I LOVE this video. Thank you.

This is amazing. Imagine what has stayed hidden from humans free energy that is available for free.. thanks for the video.

Magnets (namely neodymium, aka rare earth) are estimated to last approximately 300 years or better.. This is proven,albeit suppressed technology... Nice Job MAN!

if magnets lasted around 300 years we would all be dead, the earth is one giant magnet, the magnetic field around earth keeps out solar radiation

I built the darn thing and followed the exact instructions. It doesn't work at all. The video is a garbage.

ma ke sure your magnets on the lid arn't pulling on each other

i guess Da Vinci would be very proud of you....

it's technicaly not free energy unless a fuel was not used. believe it or not magnets are a fuel. you need energy to magnetize them in the first place. magnets are more like storage capsules for electromagnetic energy. how did you think electromagnets worked.

Anthonyk312 so how much energy doe's it take to make a magnet.

it matters how strong the magnet is

Yeah as soon as a friend told me to watch this for a chat... i knew it doesn't work... there is noooooo way... and i see a lot of people that think it is... have to even gone to school? I have try of different ideas to get 2 motors like the ones in this video to move a toy car... thinking i could give it a push and one motor would power the other and just keep going.... nope doesn't read up on thermo-dynamics and you'll see why my idea didn't work and why this video is full of it

AWESOME!!! Thats a really cool trick you did, i think it really works! Maybe i can power my console or something with a really BIGGER version of that LOL

I tried that, but it's really not as easy as this video makes it out to be. You must angle the magnets just so, or the magnet's opposite pole will attract the drive magnet( the car track magnet). I tried this for a science project this previous year, and very nearly didn't complete a project at all; it's catastrophic failure forced me to switch topics entirely. I was extremely dissapointed with the way my version worked- or rather, failed to work. Perhaps I did it wrong; if so, I invite all who read this to correct me. Until then, it looks to me as though this video has been labeled a 'faux-to' for good reason.

i wouldn't recommend those normal magnets,what i would try using are lodestones.

I've tested this and it works.

good trick, now if you can scale it up to put out 10 megawatts a day forever we can replace 1 coal power plant.

this is BULL #$%@. his explination is horse #$%@.
put his face under some cool #$%@... this dude is magent seller in EBAY and Amazon.

For those who doubt read page 25 first

*SIGH* I was not a doubter (indeed, I am a biology teacher) and as my physics is not too hot and since I thought it would be a great demonstration in class, I went out and bought a wide selection of magnets and motors of various sizes to test this out.

FAIL ! All that happens is as people have said previously, the magnets rock a little back and fourth then they stop. Even if you spin the mechanism to give it power, it stops very quickly. I repeated this using different strength magnets and various motors and nothing happened.

I would love it to have worked and am pleased I tested it myself, rather than just nay saying... another video would be great, or start selling the set up (with a guarantee) as I want to join the celebration, but otherwise... I'm out !

This would not work if the magnet was fixed in place rather than hand held, subtle, constant corrections of the proximity of magnets to one an other is required to keep this moving. You are converting muscular excretion to electricity. This is no big trick, I suspect a generator on a stationary bike would produce a better ratio of expended calories to watts generated. Wendy's handed out a toy with kids meals a few months ago that was essentially the same device; It was a toy monkey (Captain Huggy Face to be exact) with a round bottom that allowed it to spin like a top and a toy remote control. Each contained a small fixed magnet. If you place Captain Huggy Face on a table and hold the remote near by, he spins in place. If you put the remote on table, nothing happens or they stick together. It is the subtle corrections made by your eye-brain-hand that keep the two parts of toy consistently the same distance apart which in turn keeps the monkey spinning.

this is not right
leave all the motor and light out and just try to get the magnets to rotate first [as i have tried]
yes you get a 'kick from the first magnet [say + to + but then when its passed the + side, the - side atracts to the + which stops it] all makes sense when you try it!
i tried with a bike wheel and big magnets
there is a site on the web under free energy that deals with all stuff like this and none of them work!

make a giant backpack tazer version and then i'll go try it

I did this over 20 years ago and it did not work, (flashbaztard) stated why it does not work, If you could shield the magnet to stop the attraction on one side and then use the repel side it would work, but alas, nothing will shield the magnet. It passes through everything. I also tried to focus the magnetic force sort of llike a lense is used to focus light, but it does not work either.

you can get a decent shielding for one side of the magnet from old computer hard drives, they have stuper strong magnets which actually allready have a shielding on 1 side (generally theres 2 magnets witht he shielding in every hard drive).

many computer places will jsut throw out the old/broken down/ un repairable hard drives, so u can get it for free and give ti a try

This is great until the poles shift !

He simply has the motor connected to a power supply under the table. Not even a credible scam.

Fake!! This is the classic under the table trick I've done it doesn't work and this kid is collecting money from watching his video

Scam. The motor was powered somehow from below. I was attracted to watch this video specifically because of the claim it was ALMOST PR. It's obvious it's nowhere close to 'Almost'. Scam. Fraud. BS. Hey, you MIGHT have had a better chance of snagging more believers if you didn't throw so much voltage into it. Then again, it could be done with magnets under the table. Either way, you should have made it spin 30RPM or something.

Oops, PR should have been PM, Perpetual Motion.

That's so cool!
lol cream cheese lid and some magnets, who would have thought.

I can't believe some guys in here actually believed this... Ain't it painfully obvious the wheel is being powered by the motor and not the other way around?

It is possible for this too work!! so please stop saying its fake, when it will work. I've had one magnet spin with 3 outer magnets, so I know its possible! good work on your video!!

It's absolutely NOT possible, else nobody would build nuclear central when we could have free energy at home, perpetual movement doesn't exist and will never exist, we cannot create energy, just transform something in something else, magnets are not energy storage. If it has no electic power source used in this video the nearest magnet would go to the nearest point from the handled magnet and just stay here.

Sorry but it's 100% fake. Here we have a stupid coments generator !

Do your research. MANY people have already built one. China is replacing their nuclear power plants with massive versions of this generator and 10Kw versions will be in people's homes soon. It's not perpetual motion, but it is free energy.

"China is replacing their nuclear power plants with massive versions of this generator"... Big LOL there... Prove it, give me a source!

Even if it's not rigged, the magnet will eventually become de-magnitized. This claim is that the magnet is the fuel, magnets require high heat to produce, thus making them an expensive fuel.

This is a FAKE. The magnets coming closer gives the same force as the ones going away. No real force is generated. It was made by a fake wiring or a big electromagnet under the table.

u r compleatley correct.
there is no such thing as perpetual motion.
u can't create anything from nothing.
It is FAKE!!!

The Universe is pretty damn perpetual. Where did that come from? Besides, the magnet is not actual creating anything, it's taking energy from it's environment and you can magnetize iron in a fraction of a second and it will stay that way for hundreds of years.

China is replacing nuclear power plants with giant versions of these, and small ones will be in peoples homes soon. A guy in Australia will be selling them soon and you can get the plans and build one yourself for about 100 bucks. Many people have built machines like this that create clean free energy, but whenever they try to make it public, they get threatened, and some just disappear or wind up dead. We need to stand up for this technology.

If you pay 100 bucks for that you're a sucker... On second thought, will you buy my plans for "a-machine-that-violates-physic-laws" for 200 bucks?

Some other poster just mentioned people need to look at this: (page 25)

Oh yeah, hurray for the conspiracy putting these brilliant free energy machines down... ROFL... Well, given that any corporation having such a machine would be wealthier than microsoft i can see why big business would shy away from it! Oh wait! since when do companies shy away from huge profits to be had?

If anyone knows the answer, please post here:

Thats pretty cool, come to think of it i wonder if you can upscale it using lets say a fan motor.

You people are amusing. From "China is mass producing them but big corporate bullies are keeping them down" (with no source mind you) to "I built one years ago" (and yet didn't sell it despite the obvious fortune) this belief in perpetual motion is comical yet encouraging. This is a trick as the magnet would function more as a brake than anything else. The only way to possibly do this would be to move the handheld magnet to and from the wheel. Even then the proportional increase to make this a viable energy source is astronomical to an unrealistic degree. Don't stop dreaming though because, who knows, maybe one day you'll defy the Laws of Physics and the world will be a wonderful place.

No such thing as a perpetual energy machine. All machines lose energy over time through heat and friction. Take any basic physics class.

Pretty awesome.:D

I'm just fine with sticking magnets on my fridge and paying for cheap coal energy.

Nice trick, Houdini. What about the second law of thermodynamics?

He has another motorized rotating disk under the table with magnets connected to it and that is powered by a battery. When the disk underneath turns, it pulls the one on top.

That is some kool #$%@ right their

Nice video and nice presentation, but com'on guys and gals... This is just not what it appears to be. No different than a magic trick, once you see how its done, then you get the 'duh' results. The best observations above are the person(s) who said there is a coil or magnet pulsing source below the table. There are a few laws that are broken here. 1. Conservation of Energy. 2. Incredible claims deserve incredible proof. It is up to the presenter to prove it, not the observers. 3. Basic kindergarten science. This is cute and fun, but don't fall for it. This has been tried for centuries by some very smart peeps and all,,,, ALL,,, have failed, even on a microscopic level. I don't want to discourage open thought, but please don't take this persons 'trick' video as science… If you believe it, then prove it for your self before you proclaim this as real science breakthrough.

It's the energy stored on the magnet as magnetism. In Turkey there are magnet-powered motorcycles which directly run the motor utilizing this principle, and their magnet blocks are sold as fuel, it''s just an energy storage media like battery or fuel. but as the motion is directly used without involving electricity, you get a higher yield. But if you need electric as the final product, like in this example video, you better go with a battery or something.

So, the video is NOT fake, but the TITLE is a lie...

Please supply the link for these magnet powered motorcycles in Turkey

References for this "magnet-powered motorcycles" in turkey or they don't exist.

I believe you will have to show us this wonderful 'magnet fuel' that has evaded the attention of the rest of the world.

Uhh under the table? Are you guys retarted? Simple freehand magnet moving on a disc--- like seriously, youre gonna tell me this person bothered creating another one powered by a battery and stuck it under that thick table and tell me that those other magnets are close enough to affect the ones on top ? Yo that sounds like a poor explanation, besides the disc spun first clockwise before going counterclockwise in correspondance to how the magnet was held in his hand in the first place. Now unless you somehow prove to me that he intentionally made a 2nd one powered by battery and intentionally tweaked so it would turn clockwise first....
now we're going overboard. Do your friggin homework and google nikola tesla. Now if you wanna go into it deeper google torsion fields or hyperdimensional physics. Don't be so naiive as to think anyone who governs you would let you have hold of free energy ( thats way too optimistic and you know it). It's not as much as this "new" science(actually its pretty damn old) has been avoiding us , but in fact kept from us on a global media scale(because whoever controls media controls group thought). uhhhh.... long story made short . Education and particularily life as we know was designed this way , it didnt evolve this way on its own.
We are just human resource afterall .

Other fields you skepticals should examine : Cymatics , quantum physics and sacred geometry.

Oh yeah, it's all a conspiracy... Tell you what genious... Make yourself a working model of this and be insanely rich. Torsion fields and hyperdimensional physics and nikola tesla? Do you even have a clue on what you're talking about? Sacred geometry? LOL

FFS you dolts, if you can make it work do it and win a huge fortune or are "The Man" keeping you down?

Torsion fields... A hoax exposed in the 90s... That has zero to do with this! Hyperdimensional physics by other no other than Richard C. Hoagland, a retard who claims advanced civilizations exist or once existed on the moon.

Plus you even fail at reading. The guy here simply powered an electric engine with a battery and that created the motion, not the magnets. Look at the speed, it's exactly the speed of the engine he showed in the first place. He doesn't have to have a second set of magnets under the table. all the needs is to connect the wires to a power source, and that is why he doesn't take the wires of the engine. They are there to hide the fact that the mechanism is externally powered.

Now you cookoo heads can just prove you're right (and Physicists are wrong) just by making a commercial application of this. just Patent a thing like this and you'll make billions. Instead you make silly videos?! Don't you think that it is a little bit "retarded" to think that something like this would just go under the radar of big corporations? Now come on... Start using your brain, no need to wrap it in tin foil either!

oh and I forgot to mention that Torsion fields is something that the pagan populations seemed to know about which is why I question your knowledge of history because you immediately associated it to Richard Hoagland.

Torsion fields are a hoax D: ? Dude there is even an official Torsion field GRID for our planet and VISIBLE evidence of it on every planet of our solar system (every huge detectabe anomaly 19.5 degrees either south or north from the center of the planet)
Yo man you're out of date. Torsion fields is just another name for hyperdimensional physics
(picked up first by nickola tesli , and from which einstein had commented on himself as the new newton revolution) .
And god, study some history, pull your head out of your ass and go research what I said.
As for sacred geometry it goes hand in hand with cymatics which I assume you have no idea what it is. Oh another subject I suggest researching which is DMT and the Pineal gland. I watched over 200 hours of documentaries in the last 4 months. I'm not about to say all of it is true and that I understand all of it from pure firsthand experience but I can certainly say this :
A true researcher will look at everything , even if it seems balooney and bogus .
The point is to have a bigger picture, not to select your information.
So next time you watch those educational videos and conspiracy theorists that you dont like, how bout watching it fully and not stopping after 5 minutes, eh?

OMG you're a complete utter tin foil lunatic... Nothing of what you said has actually been proven to exist and/or work.

" I watched over 200 hours of documentaries in the last 4 months. "

Imagine that, instead of wasting 200 hours seeing semi-retarded pseudo-science TV shows you'd actually studied a physics book and learn why all that BS is fake to lure in stupid people to buy #$%@.

"A true researcher will look at everything , even if it seems balooney and bogus ."

Absolutely, and then a true researcher will be able to separate idiotic mumbo-jumbo from reality. You only need to go a step further.
"So next time you watch those educational videos and conspiracy theorists that you dont like, how bout watching it fully and not stopping after 5 minutes, eh?"

Dude, why do you think i'm here in this specific topic? I have as an hobby to cruise around and check out these stories and see if there is something i'm missing out on. Then i analyze their merits. All the stuff you mentioned has been done in to death. And quite honestly i could school you in sacred geometry. I've studied that BS well beyond the point of seeing it was all BS just for the fun of it. And the only reason why you think cymatics and this go hand to hand is because you haven't really comprehended why those geometric connections exist.
"Torsion fields is just another name for hyperdimensional physics
(picked up first by nickola tesli , and from which einstein had commented on himself as the new newton revolution) ."

Apparently we are still waiting for this revolution huh? And since You're talking about Einstein who was dead wrong on Quantum Mechanics and was himself outdated when he died and you call me "outdated"? Have you even held a post 1950 physics book? Torsion fields, if you can comprehend what they are, do exist, but that's about it. All the work done on them is BS. Torsion fields have basically zero interaction in our world. I was talking about the crap you've certainly heard about it being

you're missing a piece of the puzzle but since you know everything already i'll leave you on that.

connected with psychokinesis and ESP. You see, everytime i see someone mention those i know where this is going.

What am i missing jack? The world's governments are controlling the scientists in their labs?

I know I have the responsibility to share what I know but I think you're just downright annoying for a human being. I just don't think you deserve to have your curiosity satied when you are trying to eliminate other people's argument's without having done a thorough research.
Though I am ready to have an intellectual debate if you are really willing to set aside all your insults.

"I know I have the responsibility to share what I know "
Well, so far all you've shared was a visible vulnerability to hoaxes.

" I think you're just downright annoying for a human being."
Yeah, i know, reality really bites when you try so hard to believe in fairy tales. Guess what, i don't really care if you think i'm annoying because i don't believe in BS that has never been proven. It's that easy. You think this contraption works? Build one, make electric power out of it forever and be a billionaire. Who is stopping you and everyone who says this works? Only one the thing i can remember... Cold hard reality and those damn physical laws.
"I just don't think you deserve to have your curiosity satied when you are trying to eliminate other people's argument's without having done a thorough research."
I've done physicis and chemistry at university level. I'm a Biology teacher. I've done more research and been around labs for years, unlike half these mofos here supporting that this works. I'm basically inside the scientific field. Which means that i know that if someone had something amazing to show the scientific community he would. All these people saying that somehow mainstream science are keeping them down don't have a clue... The only thing that keeps them down is the necessity to actually "demonstrate" their work. Every one of these perpetual motion machines fail as soon as independent review is done. They are hoaxes in search for investment.

Now, i'm not saying that a new form of energy that is super efficient and will save us from oil will not come around. I hope it will. But these machines in violation of the conservation of energy aren't it.

"I know I have the responsibility to share what I know "
Well, so far all you've shared was a visible vulnerability to hoaxes.

" I think you're just downright annoying for a human being."
Yeah, i know, reality really bites when you try so hard to believe in fairy tales. Guess what, i don't really care if you think i'm annoying because i don't believe in BS that has never been proven. It's that easy. You think this contraption works? Build one, make electric power out of it forever and be a billionaire. Who is stopping you and everyone who says this works? Only one the thing i can remember... Cold hard reality and those damn physical laws.
"I just don't think you deserve to have your curiosity satied when you are trying to eliminate other people's argument's without having done a thorough research."
I've done physicis and chemistry at university level. I'm a Biology teacher. I've done more research and been around labs for years, unlike half these mofos here supporting that this works. I'm basically inside the scientific field. Which means that i know that if someone had something amazing to show the scientific community he would. All these people saying that somehow mainstream science are keeping them down don't have a clue... The only thing that keeps them down is the necessity to actually "demonstrate" their work. Every one of these perpetual motion machines fail as soon as independent review is done. They are hoaxes in search for investment.

Now, i'm not saying that a new form of energy that is super efficient and will save us from oil will not come around. I hope it will. But these machines in violation of the conservation of energy aren't it.

what the hell is this tinfoil business anyway? The brain isn't that strongly succeptible to frequencies---i'm not a looney dude.

Dude, anyone who mentions torsion fields applications, sacred geometry and hyperdimensional physics as things that are real and work in a perpetual energy generator discussion, I imagine them wearing a tin foil hat to avoid govermental mind reading...

So are we going to do this debate or not?

Mr. Stappers, I recommend you construct one of these simple devices yourself to prove it to not be a hoax. I won't hold my breath.

Yeah, I have it planned for the weekend.
But I also have a few ideas as to why it wouldn't work if it doesn't.

For instance , I don't know where the guy who made this lives and location happens to be an important aspect of all this.

egh I came back since it sounded a bit vague(just woke up):
The earth's fields have various geometric properties which dont make them uniform at all which is why location is important if you want SOME things to work. I think you should look into these things yourselves and not just wait for me to come up with a video.

You didn't mention crystals.

are you mocking me or is there something you know that I dont.

Cuz im getting a bit tired of people who think things are impossible just because they don't have the knowledge. Nothing is frigging impossible.

"Nothing is frigging impossible."

LOL... Now that just made my day...

And I'm getting tied of people pretending to know a lot more than they can even begin to comprehend, and claiming that others lack the knowledge. MMWILH ELM clearly knows a lot that you don't. I bet the guy who uploaded this video reads through the comments once in a while to laugh at the dumbos who actually fell for this cheap trick.

The good thing about this is how easy it is to build, so instead of saying how you know it doesn't work cause some law u where taught in some old book. Test things for urself. Don't let ppl see how brainwashed you are , and how naive to belive things just cause you read them somewhere in school. Please, its embarrassing for u.

If you're going to independently verify every basic tenet of science, you've got a long row to hoe. I recommended you get started. Post here when you've gone through the centuries and have caught up to the 1900s and we'll start watching.

"The good thing about this is how easy it is to build, so instead of saying how you know it doesn't work cause some law u where taught in some old book. Test things for urself. "

Ok, you build one of these then, in order to test it yourself. You call out on others to test, but if you had done it yourself you would have seen that this device cannot work like it is shown at all.

"how naive to belive things just cause you read them somewhere in school."

As opposed to believing in stuff you see on the internet on an anonymous video?

ANSWER/SOLUTION: he's was performing WORK (force*distance=energy stored) when he brought the magnet (magnetic field) with his hand close to those small magnets that are repelling him as he brings it closer. Think of it like waterfall spinning turbines in a hydro-electric plant. The potential energy was originally required to raise water to that height is then released as kinetic energy. Here he is using the force of his hand to create potential energy (like loading a SPRING). Because the repulsive force is small, it's not "obvious." But he won't be able to bring a huge magnet close like that to a replica x1000 scale :).

Nah dude, if you build one of these you'll see that there is no way he could have ever got that acceleration out of it even moving the magnet (thus doing work)

I guess we can't blame Jack Stappers. Who knows what kind of psychological damage could be incurred from 200 hours of conspiracy theory. Just a few things to point out though:

-first law of thermodynamics says we can't create energy.

-second law of thermodynamics says we can never have a 100% efficient machine.

-Magnetic fields do no work.

-Einstein isn't on your side. He spent the first part of his scientific career debunking perpetual motion machines as a patent clerk in Switzerland.

-Really, why don't you build one of these and become the next Nobel prize for physics? Or does Sweden not have the correct fields for this machine to function?

-Sometimes the majority is right - and not because they're the majority of course, but because they believe in rationally proven concepts based on evidence and extensive (peer reviewed) mathematical proofs.

I made all things at home work with large magnets! Now i have a 0$ electricity bill. Thanks!

If energy cannot be created is the, then the following must also be true:

1) The sum total of all energy in the universe is constant, even though new stars are created every second.

2) The sum total of all energy in the current universe is equivalent to that in the big bang singularity.

You agree these are true?

Correction. *If energy cannot be created is true

One another interesting thing: When the guy turns the motor manually, LED (or bulb) glove bright. When the motor runs on full speed, LED light starts with a delay and a little bit weak regarding the tempo.
This video is scam.
Even if someone in future will solve the method how to change the static magnetic field to the dynamic motion, still the permanent magnet will be only an energy accumulator, not provider of free/zero point/hyperionspacesupermonogravity energy.

wow this is FAKE how do u guys not get that!?!?!?!?!

Genius! i want enough of these to power my empire!

lol this is fake, magnets have 2 poles, not one pole, the movement that pushes away is cancelled by the pole that attracts the magnet, causing the motion to stall, If that was the case all electrical motors would be running by themselves!

Why does he tape down the wheel but not the other magnet? I think it's because you have to keep moving it slightly or the wheel reaches an equalibrium point and stops.

So if you could extract a bit more energy from the spinning lid and use that to move the magnet you'd be done. But guess what there's not quite enough energy due to friction and resistance losses. Starting to sound familiar?

i think if we could make it in a vacume we could reduce friction.

Lenz's law is why this WON'T work. the load on the motor (lamp in this case) will cause the coils in the motor to push in the opposite direction to the direction of motion causing it to stop. real 'free energy' is more like the Thomas Moray radiant energy device not from magnets and motors

I have an electrical generator which has a 15,000 WATT output. It powers itself. It doesn't need any type of fuel such as gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas, solar power, or aquatics. All it needs is an AC battery to start it,? and once it is started it keeps itself running. Most small houses only need about 7,500 WATTS. My invention will power a whole house. The applications are truly endless! I hope to one day to be able to give this device to the poor not living near an electrical grid.

Calculate the price of these magnets, the amount of energy they shed before they fade and the cost for the same amount of energy using normal means.

good thing no cam was under the table or they see the same thing thats on top, the one under the table was being powered by a battery making the on on top spin..good try

What About heretics field motors?
The are a Magnetic repulsion Motor.


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