So 2000 was a wash for an election year; we put up with W for four years, then what happened? 2004! Lost again!!! Diebold you just can't seem to fade.Don't believe the elections were a fraud -- try ...
It only takes a minute to steal a U.S. Election!So, vote for your new president, and everybody else's new president by hacking away that Diebold ETS voting machine. Check out this video to see how to ...
Michael-David BenDor demonstrates how an optical scanner voting machine can be hacked in under five minutes using everyday tools. So, if you want to rig the next election in Michigan, this is the vid ...
Got a mystery to solve? Somebody's been making off with your stuff, and you don't have a clue who it is, do you? Here's your chance to catch them in the act. In this how to video you will learn to mak ...
Glue your eyes to the screen, because you will see how to make your very own battery pack for your own two-way handheld radio. If you have an iCom, and need to a battery pack, well then, listen up. ...
Transform your old analog clock to an crazy clock. This makes the clocks arms spin freely and you can freak out your friends. This is a very cool hack for a clock. ...
Make a solar cell from a condom with this video tutorial. Solar energy is plentiful and better for the environment, so why not take an easily accessible commodity (like a condom), and use it to harves ...
Learn how to make the the simplest homopolar motor there is with just a regular battery, a small watch battery, and a formed copper wire. This is really as simple as a homopolar motor gets. Two batt ...
Alison and Lloyd, the hosts of My Home 2.0, have created a Twittering Teddy Bear by performing surgery on an animatronic toy bear, adding a text-to-speech implant allowing the bear to speak real-time ...
Do it yourself: extend your WIFI signal. This is a quick and easy way to get more range for pennies. ...