Lasers really can do everything! Next time you want some popcorn, don't reach for one of those microwaveable bags! You can mod a laser to make it the ideal tool for perfectly popping a delicious, fluf ...
Do you have one of those jobs where the minutes seems to stretch by like hours? Then shaving off an extra twelve might make all the difference. All you need is cunning (to kidnap the workplace clock f ...
Do 3D glasses give you a headache? This might hurt more. As in, I think I'm going to hurl just watching. Below, Francois Vogel demonstrates his rapid eye blinking method for 3D viewing. if the e ...
OK, you've got yourself a single phase induction electric motor, but you don't know how to start it. Check out this simple how-to to discover a few methods of starting this motor up. You'll need to kn ...
Samimy is at it again. And this time, his ingenuity has tackled a clever way to take something old and broken and restore it to something new and useful. What are we talking about? Modding a broken ha ...
Ever had a problem with your Wi-Fi signal strength? Signal just won't reach from the office to the lounge room? Well, build yourself one of these. It can give you a massive increase in signal stren ...
It's not just for annoying cats, anymore. You can upgrade your laser pointers and turn them into an actual burning laser! This tutorial by Kip Kay shows you how to mod a basic laser pointer into a hig ...
Learn about the history and technology of batteries in this informative video, and learn how to make your own voltaic cells at home, along with other scientific experiments. Jeri Ellsworth demonstrate ...
Budget Hack's cheap Wifi range extender works off of the age old concept of adding tin foil to your TV's rabbit ears. The materials are cheap, and the project is relatively easy (if you're willing to ...
chrof Instructables boasts: "This is the most comprehensive step-by-step guide to build an 8x8x8 Led Cube ever published on the intertubes. It will teach you everything from theory of operation, how t ...