Assemble a hammer, a number 43 drill bit, a turret setter, an X-acto knife or hobby knife, the plastic for the board and, of course, your layout! Once you have everything, this tutorial shows you how ...
Is your Droid always running out of power, and a charger isn't always convenient? Start with a hand cranked flashlight, then wire it up so you can charge your phone by hand! Great for pulling your dyi ...
With a voltmeter, you can safely check the AC and DC voltage levels, measure resistance and even measure amperage or give circuit readings. What this means is that you can use this to diagnose problem ...
Start with a toy bullhorn that alters the sound of your voice when you speak into it. Then mod it using a few potentimeters and a few resistors as demonstrated in this video. Now you have a toy with a ...
Let your creativity out by making your own sidewalk chalk, which you can color however you want. You'll need plaster of paris, a mixing bowl, powdered tempura paint, warm water, wax paper and tubular ...
All you really need is a drill and some hardware to build a mount for your digital camera. Drill a few holes in your helmet, and then apply the bolts and washers as explained in the video for your own ...
Want to get started in rocketry? You can buy launch kits from a hobby store, as well as a few rocket engines and an igniter. Once you have acquired these items, this tutorial will show you how to make ...
You can make a laser diode driver extremely inexpensively - the materials in this tutorial cost less than three dollars in total. Find out what to buy, and then this tutorial shows you how to assemble ...
Become the producer of your own pirate radio show! The mind behind Free Radio Berkeley shows you how to build your own FM transmitter, which is what you need to start broadcasting. Once you have all y ...
Want to start your own rebellion against the hegemony of the American media? You can set up your own FM radio station and start broadcasting what you want. This tutorial shows you everything you need ...